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Version History

Version History for v2.25

v2.25.1 – December 1, 2021


  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • Increased edge snapping distance while moving the window.

Bug fixes:

  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • The “About FreeMeter” menu item in the title bar menu did not work.
    • Fixed some window moving issues and window location saving issues.

v2.25.0 – November 7, 2021


  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • Statistics summary dialog now displays total bytes sent and received on all monitored network interfaces.
    • On the text-based memory meters, you can now specify a delay before the graph's chevrons appear. The chevrons indicate the maximum available and used levels. If you have FreeMeter starting as soon as you sign on, you may want to use this option. Launching that early means a lot of memory will be available. By delaying, you give time for all sign on processes to load, giving you a more realistic starting point.
    • Changed how meter options are saved. They are now in individual folders in the registry.
    • Added instructions to the Application Preferences dialog on how to backup and restore FreeMeter settings.
    • Rotated the meter names 180 degrees so they are facing the expected way for a graph.
  • FreeMeter Professional:
    • Network meters can display total bytes sent and received on the network interface. You can choose between showing the totals since the computer was booted or since FreeMeter launched.
    • In the ping meter, showing the IP address of monitored devices is now optional.

Bug fixes:

  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • Sometimes when adding or removing meters, the FreeMeter window would move so that the top of the window was outside the visible screen area.
  • FreeMeter Professional:
    • The ping meter will no longer allow you to have no hosts listed.