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Version History

Version History for v2.28

v2.28.2 – June 12, 2022


  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • Changed tray icon style selection from "Windows 10-style" or not "Windows 10-style", to Black or White.
  • FreeMeter Professional:
    • Improve spacing between meters when using 2D drawing style.

Bug fixes:

  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • When switching tray icon style between Windows 7 (black) and Windows 10 (white), the icons would not actually change until the icon had to change because the data it was displaying changed. Now they change to the new style immediately.
    • When using Windows 7-style (black) tray icons, the first four network meter icons were missing (they were used to show 0% to 27%). I don't know where they went, but they are back now.

v2.28.1 – May 30, 2022


  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • Moving average changed from 8 data points to 5.

Bug fixes:

  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • Would crash when attempting to check for an update when the computer was not attached to a network.

v2.28.0 – May 20, 2022


  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • When memory meter bar graph chevrons overlap, FreeMeter now draws the left side of one and the right side of the other rather than just drawing one chevron.
    • Add a preference option to control starting FreeMeter automatically on sign on.
    • “Page File” has been replaced with “Virtual Memory” everywhere since that is what FreeMeter reports. Virtual Memory is the amount of physical memory plus the page file.
    • The bitmaps on hidden meter buttons now have a dark gray background instead of dark red. They are also wider and the text uses fewer abbreviations.
    • Several Folder Usage dialog improvements:
      • You can now select what data appears for each folder.
      • Shows the full selected path, and you can copy it to the clipboard.
      • Uses the same number of decimal places as set in the Volume Space meter.
      • Uses the same number base setting (2 or 10) as set in the Volume Space meter.
      • Shows the elapsed time while scanning.
      • Less window flickering while scanning.
      • Window now opens centered on the same monitor that FreeMeter is on rather than in the upper left corner.

Bug fixes:

  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • Fix problem with the default tray icon briefly appearing after a volume space update.
    • Sometimes too many digits would be removed when removing trailing zeros from a number. Most noticeable in the Folder Usage dialog.
    • When changing a meter's options via the Preferences dialog, the meter options would be saved immediately after changing them instead of when the Preferences dialog was OK'ed. This meant that if the Preferences dialog was canceled, the meter option changes would not revert to their original settings.
    • Memory meter options were not always saved correctly.
    • Statistics Summary dialog was displaying total memory where it should have been displaying maximum used memory.
    • Moving average line was not drawn correctly when the minimum value in the graph was not zero.
    • Memory graphs did not obey the “Continuously re-scale” setting.
    • Fixed possible crash on launch in non-Pro version.
    • Fixed crash when running 32-bit version on a system with a large amount of memory.
  • FreeMeter Professional:
    • When Timer 1 is set to more than once a second, tray icons may be updated/changed too often for the operating system to keep up. Tray icons will now update no more than once a second.