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Version History

Version History for v2.31

v2.31.1 – September 3, 2023


  • FreeMeter Professional:
    • Ping meter: Add length of Ping timer interval to Ping meter options tab.

Bug fixes:

  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • Fix crash in non-Pro version when bringing up the Network meter options tab.

v2.31.0 – August 6, 2023


  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • Add ability to move volumes up/down directly in the Volume Space meter.
    • When the disk or network meter is displaying transfer speed values, they have always shown "~0.0" for approximately zero when the value being displayed is not zero but rounds to zero. This allows you to tell when the disk or network is truly idle. This behavior is now a preference and can be turned off.
    • When setting alert options, added a Play button to play a sample of the chosen alert sound.
    • Added a link on the About dialog to take you to the web site to see if there is information available about the next FreeMeter release.
    • Moved the Mb/s vs MB/s option from the Disk and Network meters properties to an application preference.
    • Moved memory chevron display delay from a meter property to an application preference.
    • Start showing process count in statistics summary dialog in the non-Pro version.
    • Start showing thread count in statistics summary dialog.
    • Increase window minimum width so meter text fits better.
  • FreeMeter Professional:
    • Added option to show process and thread counts in the combined Physical & Virtual Memory meter.
    • Added a new Thread count graph meter.
    • Added ability to edit a host in the Ping meter properties, not just add and delete them.
    • The option to sync the disk and network meter graph maximums has been moved from a property of the network meter to an application preference.

Bug fixes:

  • FreeMeter and FreeMeter Professional:
    • Fixed a scaling problem when not autoscaling a meter that has only a single data set (like process, thread, and handle count graphs).
    • Changing just the time format on the Meter Preferences tab of the Preferences dialog would not enable the Apply button.
    • FreeMeter would always fail to create the auostart shortcut. The installer would create it correctly, but not FreeMeter.
    • Some meter properties dialogs had a Help button when they should not have.
    • Was not always saving the size of the window.
    • When pressing the "Refresh" button on the folder usage dialog, the controls at the bottom that show the selected folder would not reset to indicate no folder was selected.
    • When calculating folder usage, FreeMeter would crash or freeze sometimes when encountering a reparse point. FreeMeter no longer follows a reparse point.
  • FreeMeter Professional:
    • On the logging preferences tab, add an ellipses in the middle of the sample log file name when it doesn't fit in the control.
    • In the network meter, add a space before the units in the Total Read and Total Write text. This makes it match the format used in other meters.